Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hike #5: Sunol, Pleasanton Ridge

Dear Maria,

Finally, some sun!!  Our 5 hour hike in Pleasanton Ridge was really just perfect--nothing but warm sun and cool breezes.  The best part, however was how I felt after the hike.  Unlike our Gerbode hike 2 weeks before, I was actually able to walk and move around the next day.  I bought new hiking "boots" on Wednesday and I think this really made a positive difference.  After our hike we heard from 3 honorees about their diagnosis' and 2 participants of the team shared their connection to the cause.  Very moving and touching reminders what we are working towards. Go Team!

I signed the team banner

Post hike, after some food.  
The $ necklace is for raising at least $500 in the month of March!  Thanks to all my wonderful donors, once again!!

 Chilly morning

 Reading my map!

Honoree Nelda sharing her story
 Honoree Claus sharing his story

Honoree, participant, and honoree captain Betina sharing her story

Team Bishop, participants, sharing their story about their honoree

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hike #4 Gerbode Valley, Marin Headlands

Dear Maria,

With fundraisers and trips out of town I was forced to miss a few hikes, but last weekend I jumped back into it in full force with a 4 hour hike in the Marin Headlands.  Boy oh boy, was I exhausted and sore after that!!  Holy cow, my muscles were pretty upset with me, but luckily the pain subsided after 3 days and I have fully recovered.  The hike was another rainy one, but thankfully not as cold as the Coastal Trail.  The sun managed to squeeze an appearance a couple of times, but the clouds were center stage.


St. Particks Day Fundraiser

Dear Maria,

Our friends Alex and Dave graciously opened their home to us and helped us host a St. Patrick's Day Fundraiser.  We had so much fun and are so thankful to everyone who came and donated so generously.  I was literally hoarse the next day from all the talking. Alex and Dave, thank you SO much again!!  And thank you also to our friend Ethan and Alex and Dave's friends for coming over early to help us set up, tend bar and operate the elevator!


HIke #3 Coastal Trail

Dear Maria,

Our third hike was along the Coastal Trail in San Francisco and it was cold and rainy.  We hiked for 2.5 hours and that was enough for me, I thought my toes were going to freeze and fall off before it was over.  The views were gorgeous, however which sort of made up for the weather, but only sort of.  :)
